Saturday, February 9, 2008

Week 5- Response to Randy's blog

"My thought was that Jesus did not overthrow anything"
I have to disagree with you Randy. I feel like we too often want to play down the socio-political implications of Jesus' teaching and ministry. Jesus very much challenged both the Jewish religious leaders of Palestine, and the colonizing authority of Rome. Jesus effectively deconstructed normal ways of identifying the in and the out group of the received Judaism of his day, which was rightly perceived as dangerous to the maintenance of a cohesive society. Rome was also threatened as Jesus proclaimed himself as the righteous judge who will dispense of true justice when the time comes. At the very least we have to attribute to Jesus the overthrowing of worldviews and assumptions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Jesus effectively deconstructed normal ways of identifying the in and the out group of the received Judaism of his day, which was rightly perceived as dangerous to the maintenance of a cohesive society. "

Great point.