Sunday, January 27, 2008

Response to Darren Schlack's Blog

Darren, I think you have a great point. It seems that Barker is doing much of what was spoken against earlier in the book; he is being way to certain of himself. It seems that human beings could perhaps be much more creative and sporadic than what is put forth in this chapter. Are emotions merely survival techniques and responses? It seems to me that we are always "emoting" at every moment of every day... surely some emotions are just there for emotions' sake. It is odd to think that at some point in the past perhaps there were emotions that we know not of today? Perhaps the "wow thats a really large wooly mammoth coming at me emotion"! I would like to think that humans can actually use their emotions for their benefit as opposed to simply experiencing them. While Barker leaves the door open for such emotional spontaneity and flexibility, I feel like this openness could have been explored more in the chapter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

" he is being way to certain of himself." Interesting critique of his method, something I hadn't recognized.