Monday, January 21, 2008

Week 2 Barker- Chapter 4 (Language)

It is frustrating to recognize the degree to which all language is self-referential. What I take from this particular chapter is that the world and reality is largely a "perception" that is described by our culturally prescribed language. How could things be different? It seems self-evident that we all experience the world differently and therefore it is as if we all live in different worlds. That is, we can all describe aspects of the world, based on the limited vocabulary that we have, but none of us can say that we "know" the world wholly or have ever experienced any one thing "completely". I believe this is a useful concept for my final paper and for for my faith. In many ways, I am striving to immerse myself in a new "vocabulary", that is the "language" of Jesus. By faith, I believe that the only true language that actually refers to reality with complete accuracy is that language which emerges from the teaching and the Spirit of Jesus. Of course this language would not make sense to an outsider, for the "language game" of Christ is built upon an inner logic (as are all language systems/games). My task is to enter fully into the language of Jesus and to beckon others to do the same.

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