Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week 3- Barker Chp. 6 (World Disorder)

I identify entirely with this chapter. A life of disorientation and lack of foundation. I would characterize my life as being constituted of multiplicity. That is, while I am sure that I am shaped and fashioned by my family and upbringing more than I know, I feel that there have been few expectations of what it is that I should believe and pursue, and even less guidance. My family has moved around the state of Texas 4 or 5 times, relationships within the family and outside of it are always temporary and transient, and mentoring relationships are brief and fleeting. I don't want to get too down on myself, but I was just reminded by this chapter of the lack of community and cultural identity that I have been provided in my life. My father falls into the 1/3 of people in America (Barker 2003, 161) that are in the service sector. This is a workforce that is able to move at any time and is expected to be able to uproot family and dismiss loyalty to any particular locale. Globalization has been presented to me in the form of endless choices as to what particular "style" of life I will choose. I think Barker is right on in characterizing these 'New Times' as an era of disorder.

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